Tucson, AZ on November 17-18, 2018

Treating Low Back and Pelvic Girdle WorkshopJoin Deane Juhan on November 17-18, 2018 for his Trager workshop at Arizona School of Integrative Studies in Tucson, Arizona.

The Trager workshop will focus on Treating The Low Back and Pelvic Girdle (Trager Fundamentals and Resistance and Release Work).

Course Description:
Treating The Low Back and Pelvic Girdle


Contact for Registrtion:
Arizona School of Integrative Studies
NCBTMB Approved Workshops in Arizona
(928) 451 4853 (Call/Text)

Arizona School of Integrative Studies
Tucson, Arizona

The pelvis is the largest and densest bony structure in our bodies. It anchors more muscles than any other part of the skeleton (including several of the largest most powerful muscles in the body), and from the pelvis these muscles reach from below the knees to the top of the thorax.

It is truly the central core of our skeletal and muscular organization, designed to respond equally to tremendous forces of leverage passing through its structure and to exceedingly subtle adjustments in our postures and movements.

Functionally, we are really one muscle that is divided up by the connective tissue structures into different compartments in order to provide specific vectors of motion and coordinated groups of motor units. We are not robots with hinges, cables and pulleys, but shape-changers, and any gesture involves the participation of wide-spread muscular supports and motivators.