
This is a video of a Trager bodywork session done by Deane Juhan with Jane.

The Trager Approach is a pleasurable, gentle and effective approach to movement education and mind/body integration; the effects are deep and long-lasting. Many people seek Trager sessions for personal growth or increased feelings of joy and wellness.

Dr. Milton Trager devoted his life to exploring the effects of these gentle movements on the nervous system, which he associated with the unconscious mind. More information about the Trager approach may be found at

Deane Juhan was one of the first students of Dr. Trager, and studied with him for over 15 years. Deane may be best known as the author of Job’s Body: A Handbook for Bodywork – which many consider the essential text on the means, methods, uses, and deeply personal applications of what has come to be known as “bodywork” – a vast, sophisticated series of modalities and techniques that take massage to the level of personal transformation at its greatest expression, profound emotional release and reintegration at its most basic core.
