The spine is the central support structure of your body, but stability is not its only important role. At the same time, it has to provide for wide ranges of movement—front to back, side to side, and rotational—so that you are able to function in the ways for which...
Join Deane Juhan to explore ways to encourage balance and alignment in your body. This series will focus on different body regions in each session, addressing common issues and connecting them back to your whole being. Create optimal strength Flexibility Posture and...
How They Are Formed and How to Release Them (Online) Learn how the gamma motor guides our intentions into coherent action. It is the most often neglected and least understood feature of all movement and motor control. December 10 at 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM PDT. Stay...
The Living Matrix: The Physical and Energetic Web That Weaves Us. (Online) Connective Tissue is one of the most extensive and remarkable substances in our bodies. Its importance for our structural cohesion, our movement and our energetic properties cannot be...
Dear Friends We are excited to announce a new series of online workshops and classes with renowned anatomy & physiology teacher Deane Juhan. Recordings are available if you can’t make the event. Deane’s workshops are designed for teachers of Yoga,...
Deane Juhan and Yogakula are proud to present new 2023 webinars. Watch the previews below or watch all the full class videos over and over with a monthly Webinar Subscription. Functional Anatomy of The Spine The spine – is the core of our structural integrity...
Deane F. Juhan is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider.